07 825 0556 info@raglanihub.nz

Artists from across the motu have the opportunity to leave their mark on one of Raglan’s most recognisible landmarks.

The water reservoir tower has a wall area of approximately 240-square metres.  Located on the corner of Norrie Ave and Bow St it dominates the view for anyone arriving in Raglan via SH23.  The Whāingaroa Raglan Destination Management Organisation (WRDMO)  is leading the project which will see the reservoir receive its first new mural in more than 20 years.

Since it was last painted the current mural has faded and been targeted by graffiti, so is well overdue a makeover, with a recent community survey drawing 271 responses, with the vast majority supporting the project.

Expressions of interest from artists with the expertise and capability to tackle the large-scale mural project are open until 5pm on April 24.

A community advisory panel including rangatahi, iwi, arts and community representatives, will assess the submissions received and shortlist up to five artists to go through a more detailed concept and planning process.

Shortlisted artists will receive some financial support towards their final submission, with the successful artist notified on May 29, and the new mural ideally completed by November.

Expression of interest forms and further information is now available.