07 825 0556 info@raglanihub.nz

Raglan iHub Visitor Information Centre

Accommodation Listing by Type


Where to Stay >>>

Activities / Adventure

What to Do >>>

Arts / Culture

What to See >>>


Who to See >>>


What’s Where (coming soon)

Retail / Services

Who’s Who (coming soon)

This is one of the many pages under construction. All feedback is welcome.

Click any entry to view the full details. Scroll down to see other entries.

Note: some properties are listed with multiple vendors.

A. BachCare / BookaBach / B&B

B. AirBnB / Booking.com

C. Apartments / Backpackers / Campgrounds / Motels

How to add your accommodation listing to the Raglan iHub Community Information website …

Maybe lots of notes will be needed to enable people to easily input their own details.

This may be better as its own page, when we go live with the updated website.

There could be an example listing with notes alongside to explain options.